Class Snap

Class Snap

Monday, March 31, 2014

VoiceView Express: Both CUE with CUCM and CUE with CME

Configuring Voice View Express - Both CUE With CUCM and CUE with CME 

VoiceView Express 

For CUE with CME and phone registered to CME 
1) Check the cue license, should be cme.. 
2) Run the CUE Initialization wizard (this will install voiceview express) 
3) Enable VoiceView Express (Enabled by Default) 
4) configure the following depending on your release (version) of cue... 

prior to 7.0 
url services http://<CUE-IP>/voiceview/common/ 
url authentication http://<CUE-IP>/voiceview/authentication/ 

7.0 and later 
authentication credentials admin cisco 
(these credentials should match what is configured on the cue gui...under 
Configure -> Call Manager Express" -> Phone Authentication 
Username and Phone Authentication Password 
url services http://<CUE-IP>/voiceview/common/ 
url authentication http://<CUE-IP>/voiceview/authentication/ 

for 7.0 and later additional to the above url you also have to add the fallback url 
in cue which can be done from the gui, 
"Voicemail->VoiceView Express 
or can be done from the cue cli as: 
service phone-authentication 
fallback-url http://CME-IP/CCMCIP/authenticate.asp 
end phone-authentication 

Vik Mahli has written a good doc on this, although he did not mention the integration of cucm with cue for voiceview express... 

For CUE with CUCM 

1. Check your cue license (should be ccm as you already integrated cue with cucm.. duh...) 
In Cisco Unity Express 
2. Enabled Voiceview 

3. Create a phone service 
Service url: 
Note: Cisco Doc "Cisco Unity Express 2.3 CLI Administrator Guide" says this ip should be CUE... 
2. Subscribe the phone to this service and reset 
3. Associated the phone as a to the cue jtapi user under controlled devices. 

Do check the show ccn status ccm-manager in cue to check if cue is registered to cucm or you could also check this out from the CTI RPoint Page on cucm to see if it is registered along with the CTI Ports..

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