Globalization is the process of converting the number (mostly the called number) to the E.164 format with a +.... Localization on the other hand is the process of converting the calling number (incoming call) display on the ip phone to a format based on the source of the call, so if a call came in from a source in the same city, the the phone display should show the call without the country code, area code and country code prefix of 00 or +, if the call came in from a source in another city (long distance call), the call should appear on the ip phone with area code and the rest of the digits (withouth the country code prefix of + or 00 and the country code), if the calling source is another country (international call), then the call should appear on the ip phone display as the full E.164 number (with the country code prefix of + or 00 or 011 for USA and the remainder of the number, i.e. area code, coe code and subscriber number)....
Lets say you have three phones/callers on the pstn, one in Dubai and 2 callers located in India (Mumbai and Bangalore)
1) PSTN_PH_Dubai -> Some Caller on the PSTN located in Dubai
Phone #: +971.4.2958888
2) PSTN_PH_IND_BGL -> Some caller on the PSTN located in Bangalore, India
Phone #: +91.22.26341111
3) PSTN_PH_IND_MUM -> Some caller on the PSTN located in Mumbai, India
Phone #: +91.80.25976666
Now lets say you have offices in the above three locations of which Dubai has it's ip phones registered to the CME locally and the other two sites have their phones registered to the CUCM (located in the Mumbai HQ Office), one on the LAN and the other (Bangalore Site) over the WAN.
1) HQ_MUM_PH1 - +91.22.23315001 (+91.22.23315XXX)
2) SITEB_BGL_PH1 - +91.80.23416001 (+91.80.23416XXX)
Typical Globalization/Localization Task: When PSTN_PH_IND_MUM phone (2226341111) calls HQ_MUM_PH1 phone (23315001), this call should appear on the HQ_MUM_PH1 as an 8 digit local call (since it's a local call), do not answer this call and navigate to the missed calls, the number in the missed calls should appear in the Global E.164 Number format, dial this number from the missed calls and the call should get routed to the PSTN_PH_IND_MUM phone, this call on the PSTN_PH_IND_MUM should appear as a local number (without country code prefix of + or 00, without area code and area code prefix if used). So for a local call the PSTN caller in Mumbai would dial 23315001 (not the country and area code), this call when routed to the Mumbai Gateway and over to CUCM should show up as 8 Digits, i.e. 26341111 on HQ_MUM_PH1 and as +912226341111 in the missed calls and when dialed from missed calls should appear as 23315001 on the PSTN_PH_IND_MUM.
Keep in mind: Call localization is done on the EGRESS (CALL EGRESS is from the CUCM to the Gateway or Phone) and call Globalization is done on the INGRESS. (CALL INGRESS is from the gateway or phone to the CUCM)
1) So make a call from the PSTN_PH_IND_MUM to 23315001, enable the debug isdn q931 in the MUM_GW and notice the calling number (appears as 2226341111) with Type as National and Plan as ISDN.
2) Configure an incoming POTS dial-peer to accept the called number and an outgoing VOIP dial-peer to send that call to the CUCM.
dial-peer voice 1 pots
incoming called-number .
dial-peer voice 2 voip
destination-pattern 23315001
session-target ipv4: x.x.x.x (cucm's ip)
Lets say you have three phones/callers on the pstn, one in Dubai and 2 callers located in India (Mumbai and Bangalore)
1) PSTN_PH_Dubai -> Some Caller on the PSTN located in Dubai
Phone #: +971.4.2958888
2) PSTN_PH_IND_BGL -> Some caller on the PSTN located in Bangalore, India
Phone #: +91.22.26341111
3) PSTN_PH_IND_MUM -> Some caller on the PSTN located in Mumbai, India
Phone #: +91.80.25976666
Now lets say you have offices in the above three locations of which Dubai has it's ip phones registered to the CME locally and the other two sites have their phones registered to the CUCM (located in the Mumbai HQ Office), one on the LAN and the other (Bangalore Site) over the WAN.
1) HQ_MUM_PH1 - +91.22.23315001 (+91.22.23315XXX)
2) SITEB_BGL_PH1 - +91.80.23416001 (+91.80.23416XXX)
Typical Globalization/Localization Task: When PSTN_PH_IND_MUM phone (2226341111) calls HQ_MUM_PH1 phone (23315001), this call should appear on the HQ_MUM_PH1 as an 8 digit local call (since it's a local call), do not answer this call and navigate to the missed calls, the number in the missed calls should appear in the Global E.164 Number format, dial this number from the missed calls and the call should get routed to the PSTN_PH_IND_MUM phone, this call on the PSTN_PH_IND_MUM should appear as a local number (without country code prefix of + or 00, without area code and area code prefix if used). So for a local call the PSTN caller in Mumbai would dial 23315001 (not the country and area code), this call when routed to the Mumbai Gateway and over to CUCM should show up as 8 Digits, i.e. 26341111 on HQ_MUM_PH1 and as +912226341111 in the missed calls and when dialed from missed calls should appear as 23315001 on the PSTN_PH_IND_MUM.
Keep in mind: Call localization is done on the EGRESS (CALL EGRESS is from the CUCM to the Gateway or Phone) and call Globalization is done on the INGRESS. (CALL INGRESS is from the gateway or phone to the CUCM)
1) So make a call from the PSTN_PH_IND_MUM to 23315001, enable the debug isdn q931 in the MUM_GW and notice the calling number (appears as 2226341111) with Type as National and Plan as ISDN.
2) Configure an incoming POTS dial-peer to accept the called number and an outgoing VOIP dial-peer to send that call to the CUCM.
dial-peer voice 1 pots
incoming called-number .
dial-peer voice 2 voip
destination-pattern 23315001
session-target ipv4: x.x.x.x (cucm's ip)
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