Class Snap

Class Snap

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Integrating CUCM with CUE - JTAPI Login Failed. Error while determining CCM Version-1

..was testing the CUE (Ver. 7.0.6) integration with CUCM ver 7.0.1, all went well however when I key in the jtapi username and password (created in CUCM with control of the CTI_RP and the CTI_Ports along with the Standard CTI Enabled Role) in the CUE GUI (after entering the cucm ip and web username and password obviously), it takes like 3 mins (this is because I have a WIC-1T FRelay connection and not an HWIC-1T), it finally gives me the error "JTAPI Login Failed. Error while determining CCM Version-1"... tried reloading the image (same version) didn't work (maybe another version would work... instead of the 70.6 that i have).... what I did next was to configure the CUE module from the CLI with the cucm info... (jtapi user, ctip ports... etc..)... before you do this make sure you have the right license file for cue loaded, you could verify this using "show software licenses", if you have the cme license file loaded something like "cue-vm-license_12mbx_cme_7.0.6.pkg", then you better load the ccm license file "cue-vm-license_12mbx_ccm_7.0.6.pkg" by issuing the command "sofware install clean url ftp://x.x.x.x/cue-vm-license_12mbx_ccm_7.0.6.pkg" where (x.x.x.x is the ftp server, install the ftp software like ftpd or filezilla on your pc and give the ip of your pc in the x.x.x.x above).... will ask you to reload and will take like 7mins... you could then re-issue the "show software licenses" command to view the license... should be ccm now... .. you could then try the normal recommended config to have it integrated... Alex has posted a good post on it... or a post from "voiceonbits" at the links below;

and if all hell brakes loose with the " JTAPI Login Failed. Error while determining CCM Version-1" error then try reloading the image and still nothing then....

CUE CLI Config for CUE-CUCM Integration

ccn subsystem jtapi
ctiport 4441 4442 (note: these are already created in cucm)
ccm-manager address x.x.x.x
ccm-manager username jtapi_cue password cisco
end subsystem

reloaded the cue module and then configured the 

ccn trigger jtapi phonenumber 4440 (this is the cti route point & voice mail pilot configured in cucm)
application "voicemail"
end trigger

add the below for fallback to srst

cue subsystem sip
gateway address x.x.x.x (cue router address)
mwi sip unsolicited

ccn trigger sip phonenumber 4440
application "voicemail"
end trigger

with the cti ports and all that and reloaded the module again and still did not see it register in cucm, had a reload of the router.. check to confirm if your cti route point and cti ports have registered in cucm... also issue the "show ccn status ccm-manager" command in cue cli to check the status of the integration, should show up as registered.....

Test by calling the voicemail from the phone and leaving a voicemail from another phone and test the mwi on and off... all works great although the cue module will still show up as uninitialized....

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